asked the Civil Lord of the Admiralty if he will enumerate the purposes for which the Royal Yacht "Britannia" has been used in the last 12 months.
Taking the 12 months ending when the Royal Yacht returns from her present cruise, she will have been used to take (i) Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret to the West Indies; (ii) for Cowes week; (iii) for Her Majesty the Queen's and Prince Philip's cruise to the Orkneys and Shetlands; (iv) for Her Majesty the Queen Mother's visit to Tunisia; (v) for Her Majesty the Queen's and Prince Philip's State Visit to Italy; (vi) for Their subsequent visit to Venice; (vii) to convey Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester to Athens for the unveiling of the Commonwealth War Memorial; (viii) and for Their subsequent tour of Commonwealth War Graves in the Eastern Mediterranean.
asked the Civil Lord of the Admiralty if he will itemise the total cost of £4,750,000 for the Royal Yacht "Britannia", showing the initial cost, the number and cost of refits, and the total wages bill per annum; and whether the total includes such items as fuel costs and depreciation allowances.
The itemised expenditure since 1951 on Her Majesty's Yacht "Britannia" has been as follows:—
£ | |
Initial capital cost | 2,150,000 |
Crew costs (including pay, messing and clothing) | 1,455,000 |
4 refits and 4 periods of docking and essential repairs | 815,000 |
Fuel and stores | 330,000 |
£4,750,000 |