asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that a report has been received by the Newport and East Monmouthshire Hospital Management Committee from their consultant surveyor stating that conditions at the twin operating theatres at the Royal Gwent Hospital are hazardous and are not up to safety standards; whether he is aware that the hospital management committee have protested to the Welsh Regional Hospital Board at delays in providing new theatres; and what action he intends to take to end the existing hazards.
I understand that one of the consultant surgeons expressed himself in this sense at a meeting of the committee. An officer from the Welsh Board of Health is to visit the theatres immediately with representatives of the Welsh Hospital Board, and report their conclusions.
Is not the Parliamentary Secretary aware that for more than six months the management committee has been pressing this problem with the Ministry? Why is it that we have had to wait until there has been a report which the chairman of the hospital management committee has rightly said will have a frightening effect on folk before the Ministry even takes the trouble to go there and inspect the actual circumstances?
It is true that the hospital management committee has been pressing this point. As the hon. Gentleman knows, there are proposals for the rebuilding of the hospital. In the meantime, however, in view of the representations, the matter is being looked at very urgently.