asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether his attention has been called to the rationalisation of forestry work courses to be held at Castle Douglas under the auspices of the Scottish Woodland Owners Association which are designed to further knowledge of modern forestry techniques in use in Holland, Scandinavia and other continental countries; whether, in view of the importance of such techniques to the development of forestry in Scotland, he will bring the existence of these courses to the notice of local education authorities; and whether he will give financial assistance to students wishing to attend these further technical educational courses.
I am aware that a course of this kind, in which the Forestry Commission has agreed to participate, is shortly to be held at Castle Douglas under the auspices of the Scottish Woodland Owners' Association; and I warmly commend the Association's enterprise. Education authorities have power to assist students taking educational courses, and if the Association decides to promote a series of these courses it may wish to bring the series to the authorities' notice.