asked the Civil Lord of the Admiralty whether, in his review of naval security, he will include British naval bases abroad as well as in the United Kingdom.
The security review being undertaken in all Admiralty establishments, which was announced by my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister on 23rd March, does cover overseas as well as United Kingdom establishments.
asked the Civil Lord of the Admiralty the total numbers of officers and ratings employed on naval security; and what is the cost per year to the Admiralty Votes.
All naval personnel are concerned with, and have a personal responsibility for, security. However, it is estimated that the numbers employed on duties involving physical security, including guard duties, and security of information, total at any one time about 1,700. The pay and allowances for this number would be about £1·9 million a year but many of the men involved, such as regulating staff and sentries, carry out other duties simultaneously. It is not therefore possible to give an accurate figure of the cost of personnel employed on security.