asked the Minister of Defence what United Kingdom military forces are at present serving in the State of Kuwait.
Until last week-end, the only members of the British forces serving in Kuwait were one officer and five other ranks who were there to provide technical assistance and advice to the Kuwaiti Armed Forces.By tomorrow, the deployment of forces required for the defence of Kuwait will have been completed and a force amounting to a reinforced Brigade Group, with naval and air support, will be in position. Any subsequent moves will be for the purpose of administration and relief.
asked the Minister of Defence if he will state the hour and day on which H.M.S. "Bulwark" sailed from Karachi for Kuwait, the hour and day on which a squadron of the 3rd Carabiniers with Centurion tanks left Aden by sea for Kuwait, and the hour and day on which a detachment of the 11th Hussars with armoured cars left Aden by sea for Kuwait.
H.M.S. "Bulwark" left Karachi on Thursday, 29th June.It would not be in the public interest to give the other details for which the hon. Member asks.