asked the Attorney-General if he will consider the temporary transfer of judges to the Divorce Division, or the appointment of additional commissioners, in order to dispose of all undefended divorce petitions now set down for hearing before the end of the present sitting.
No. Any increase in the number of judges and commissioners hearing undefended divorce cases could only be achieved at the expense of defended cases and this would not be justified. There is no unreasonable delay in the hearing of cases, though some slight increase in the time which elapses between setting-down and trial must be accepted as a result of the Matrimonial Proceedings (Children) Act, 1958.
asked the Attorney-General if he will state the number of undefended divorce petitions now set down for hearing; and how many he anticipates will not be disposed of before the end of the present sittings.
On the 30th June there were approximately 2,650 undefended divorce cases awaiting hearing in London. About half of them will be disposed of by the end of the present sittings.