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River Hull

Volume 644: debated on Monday 10 July 1961

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asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what was the last occasion on which the River Hull was cleaned out throughout its length; and what action the Hull and East Yorkshire River Board, as the drainage authority, intends to take, by cleaning and dredging the river to improve the outflow of inland water and so reduce the risk of flooding at high tides.

I am informed by the river board that the River Hull has never been dredged throughout its length; that the river through Hull is kept free of silt through scouring and by the effects of navigation; and that above the city the river is regularly cleansed either by navigation or by an eroder boat.


asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether he will state the amount of money spent by the Hull and East Yorkshire River Board on flood alleviation works on the banks of the River Hull, during each of the last six years, respectively, inside and outside the Hull city boundary, respectively.

The following table gives the information required:

Year ending 31st MarchTotal ExpenditureInside City BoundaryOutside City Boundary