asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what increases in the number of doctors and teachers employed in the public services in the Gambia he proposes to make before that country becomes independent.
I am not in a position to make the hypothetical forecasts requested by the hon. Member. In the near future, however, the Gambia Government propose to increase the yearly output of trained teachers from 30 to 50. Any precise estimate regarding doctors is not practicable, but a post of Assistant Director of Medical Services is being created and undoubtedly further increases will be necessary.
is not that a quite deplorable Answer? After so many years of British rule in the Gambia is not it deplorable that there are so few Gambians with adequate secondary education to fulfil the needs of their own country? Should not the Minister at this stage do what he can, financially and by action, to improve the situation?
We are doing all we can.