asked the Minister of Education (1) how many gypsy children of school age, on any convenient date during the present year, had not been allocated to a school; and what steps have been taken to see that the statutory obligation involved is enforced;(2) if he will make a statement on the general educational arrangements for gypsies' and other types of travellers' children, of school age, living in caravans, shacks or motor vehicles in England and Wales; how many on any recent date were not attending school; and how many, who have reached eight years of age, have never registered for or attended school.
I have no figures about the school attendance of such children, who are not easily identifiable. All parents have a duty to see that their children of school age receive full time education; the enforcement of the law of school attendance is a matter for the local education authority, whose duty it is to see that school places are available. When gypsies are prepared to settle down in one place, as many of them do during the winter, their children's education presents no insuperable problems, but when they are on the move it is difficult for the authorities to act.