asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will give the number of convictions for violence of males under seventeen, and between seventeen and twenty-one, respectively, in 1948; and if he will give the same figures for the last convenient date in respect of those areas of Great Britain where courts had the power to remit to detention centres in January, 1961, and for the areas of Great Britain where courts did not have this power at that date.
In 1948 the numbers of males under 17 and 17 but under 21 found guilty of indictable offences of violence against the person were 225 and 380, respectively. In 1960 the numbers of males under 17 and 17 but under 21 found guilty of indictable offences of violence against the person by courts having power to commit to detention centres were 859 and 1,304, respectively. The numbers found guilty by courts not having this power were 352 and 1,409, respectively.