asked the Secretary of State for Scotland when he received the letter, dated 6th October, 1961, from Aberdeen Trades Council concerning his decision regarding the establishment of an occupational centre for mentally handicapped persons at West Bank, Aberdeen; what reply he has sent to the letter; and if he will state his reason for preventing the establishment of that centre there.
The letter was received on 9th October and I am sending the hon. and learned Member a copy of my reply. Following a public inquiry it seemed to me that it would be unwise, without more cogent evidence that no more suitable site could be found, to authorise the use of this site for the purpost in the face of objections by local residents.
Does the right hon. Gentleman realise that he is opposing the selection by the local authority, which knows the facts better than he does, and that he is frustrating a much-needed and useful public service? Has he any constructive alternative to suggest so that the needs of the nation may be reasonably met?
I agree that an establishment of this kind is badly needed. What I do not accept is that I am frustrating the intentions of the local authority when I pay regard to a statutory procedure which involved a public inquiry and was the subject of a report. I am bound to weigh very carefully the recommendations made to me by my reporter. As the hon. and learned Member doubtless knows, I have asked the corporation to make a further survey.