asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, (1) what consideration he has given to the recommendation for the establishment in Cardiff of a detention centre and remand centre for offenders under the age of 21 years; whether, in view of the lack of approved school accommodation and the pressure on local prisons in South Wales, he will treat this matter as one of urgency; and whether he will make a statement;(2) whether he is aware that the only detention centre available for Cardiff magistrates dealing with youths in the age-group of 14 years to 17 years is in Oxfordshire and that since this establishment is invariably full the Cardiff magistrates have only succeeded in obtaining three vacancies in seven years and whether, in view of the urgent need for greater facilities in South Wales for dealing with youths in this age category other than by sending them to prison, he will state the reply he gave to the request of the Cardiff magistrates for the provision of a detention centre in South Wales.
Plans for a remand centre in Cardiff are being drawn up. It is not at present proposed to provide a detention centre in the city, but other centres now being built or planned will include coverage for South Wales. When a reply is sent to the Cardiff magistrates I will send the hon. Member a copy.