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Offices Act, 1960 (Implementation)

Volume 648: debated on Wednesday 1 November 1961

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asked the Minister of Labour when legislation will be introduced dealing with the safety, health and welfare of workers in shops, offices and railway premises.

As my right hon. Friend the Home Secretary told the House on 28th July, 1960, the Government had intended to introduce a Bill on this subject before the Offices Act, I960, entered into force on 1st January, 1962. The programme of essential legislation for the current Session is, however, already so full that it has been reluctantly decided that there will not be time for proper Parliamentary examination of this complex and far-reaching Measure. The Government's comprehensive Bill on the subject will therefore be deferred until the 1962–63 Session of Parliament. Since this legislation will be introduced in the autumn of 1962, no action will be taken in the meantime to implement the Offices Act, 1960.