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List Of Employees' Organisations Registered Under The Trade Union Acts, 1871 To 1940 Which Are Not Affiliated To The Trades Union Congress

Volume 649: debated on Monday 13 November 1961

The text on this page has been created from Hansard archive content, it may contain typographical errors.

Grimsby Trawler Officers' Guild.

Hull Trawler Officers' Guild.

Aberdeen Skippers' and Mates' Association.

Milford Haven Amalgamated Steam Trawlers Engineers' and Firemens' Union.

Amalgamated Central Association of Colliery Overmen, Deputies and Shotfirers.

British Association of Colliery Management.

Affiliated Area Associations of the National Association of Colliery Overmen, Deputies and Shotfirers:

  • Cannock Chase and South Staffordshire*.
  • Cumberland*.
  • Durham*.
  • Forest of Dean*.
  • Leicestershire*.
  • Midland*.
  • North Staffordshire*.
  • Northumberland*.
  • North Western*.
  • Yorkshire*.
  • Scottish*.
  • South Wales and Monmouthshire Master Hauliers and Traffic Foremen's Association.

Affiliated Associations of the Federation of Trade Unions of Salt Workers, Alkali Workers, Mechanics and General Labourers:

Stoke Prior Salt Makers', Mechanics' and General Labourers' Association* .

Winsford Salt Makers' Association* .

North of Ireland Bakers, Confectioners and Allied Workers' Union.

Amalgamated Society of Bobbin, Carriage, Comb and Dropper Makers.

Amalgamated Society of Spring Makers, Tool Makers and Grinders.

* Not themselves affiliated to the T.U.C., but the national body to which these are affiliated, is both registered and affiliated to the T.U.C.

Amalgamated Society of Wool-Comb, Hackle and Gill Makers.

Association of Radio and Electronic Engineers.

Association of Supervising Electrical Engineers.

Card Dressers' Society.

Electrical Trades Union†.

Electrical and Mechanical Instrument Makers' Association.

Engineering Ins pectors' Association.

National Reed and Heald Makers' and Reed Wire Polishers' Union.

National Association of Tool Makers.

Paper Mould and Dandy Roll Makers' Union.

Admiralty Civil Servant's Association, Plymouth.

Chatham Dockyard and District Civil Servants' Association.

Union of Admiralty Employees.

Aeronautical Engineers' Association.

File Grinders' Trade Society (Sheffield).

Society of Shoe Rivet and Wire Nail Makers.

Penworkers' Federation.

Walsall Lock and Key Smiths' Male and Female Trade Society.

National Engineers' Association.

Textile Officials' Association.

Affiliated Area Associations of the National Association of Card, Blowing and Ring Room Operatives:

  • Bolton and District*.
  • Bury and Districts*.
  • Hyde and District*.
  • Oldham*.
  • Rochdale*.
  • South East Lancashire*.

Affiliated Area Associations of the Amalgamated Association of Operative Cotton Spinners and Twiners:

  • Bolton and surrounding Districts‡
  • Stockport District‡.

Affiliated Area Associations of the General Union of Associations of Loom Over-lookers:

  • Chorley and District‡.
  • Oldham‡.
  • United Association of Power Loom Over-lookers (Rochdale)‡.

General Union of Lancashire and Yorkshire Warp Dressers' Associations:

Manchester and District Association of Preparatory Workers.

Nelson and District Association of Preparatory Workers.

Burnley and District Tape Sizers' Protective Society.

Nelson, Colne and District Tape Sizers' Protective Society.

* Not themselves affiliated to the T.U.C., but the national body to which these are affiliated, is both registered and affiliated to the T.U.C.

† Affiliated to the Scottish T.U.C.

‡ Not themselves affiliated to the T.U.C., but the national body to which these are affiliated, is both registered and affiliated to the T.U.C.

Preston and District Tape Sizers' Association. Amalgamated Tape Sizers' Friendly Protection Society.

Affiliated Area Associations of the Amalgamated Association of Beamers, Twisters and Drawers ( Hand and Machine) :

  • Burnley and District*.
  • Colne and District*.
  • Manchester*.

Bolton and District Engine Attendants' and Firemen's Trade Union.

Affiliated Area Associations of the Amalgamated Weavers' Association:—

  • Ashton-under-Lyne and District*.
  • Bury, Radcliffe and District*.

Macclesfield Hand Loom Weavers' Association.

  • Loom Overlookers Trade Union.

Portadown, Banbridge and District Textile Workers' Trade Union.

Affiliated Area Associations of the Yorkshire Association of Power Loom Over-lookers:—

  • Bradford and District*.
  • Huddersfield and Dewsbury*.
  • Leeds and District*.

Pattern Weavers' Society.

Forfar Factory Workers' Union†.

Kirriemuir Factory Workers' Union.

Scottish Carpet Trade and Factory Workers' Union†.

United Wool Shawl, Fall and Antimacassar Trade Union of Hucknall and District.

Northern Carpet Trades Union.

Halifax and District Carpet Power Loom Tuners' Association.

National Union of Elastic Web Weavers, Braid Hands and Small Wares Fabric Workers.

Lurgan Hemmers', Veiners' and General Workers' Trade Union.

Amalgamated Union of Block Printers of Great Britain and Ireland.

Guild of Calico Printers', Bleachers', Dyers' and Finishers' Foremen.

Manchester Warehouse Employees' Association (Piece Goods).

Hinckley and District Hosiery Warehousemen's Association.

Manchester Hydraulic Packers' Society.

National Society of Journeymen, Curriers and Leather Workers.

Spen Valley and District Curriers' and Strapmakers' Union.

London Foremen Tailors' Mutual Association.

Supervisory Staffs Federation of the Glove Industry.

Pressed Glassmakers' Society of Great Britain.

National Trade Union of Coopers.*

Manchester, Salford and District Society of Brewers' and General Coopers.*

Philanthropic Society of Journeymen Coopers of Burton-on-Trent and Vicinity.*

North Western Packing Case, Box Makers' and General Woodworkers' Society.

Wall Paper Block Printers' Trade Union. London Society of Music Engravers.

Map and Chart Engravers' Association.

Pattern Card Makers' Society.

* Affiliated to a national body which is not registered but is affiliated to the T.U.C.

† Affiliated to the Scottish T.U.C.

Teston Independent Society of Cricket Ball Makers.

London Jewel Case Makers' Trade Protection Society.

Letter Cutters' Association (Monumental and Architectural).

Scottish Slaters' Tilers', Roofers' and Cement Workers' Society.†

Scottish Plasterers' Union.†

Birkenhead Operative House and Ship Painters' Society.

Liverpool and Vicinity Operative Painters' Old Society.

Southport, Birkdale and Vicinity Operative House Painters' Association.

National Tile, Faience and Mosaic Fixers' Society.

Scottish Operative Glaziers' Society.

British Gas Staff Association.

Association of Electrical Housecraft Advisors.

Electricity Boards Legal Society.

National Union of Water Works Employees.

Union of Railway Signalmen.

Ulster Transport and Allied Operatives' Union.

Amalgamated Society of Foremen Lightermen of the River Thames.

Tugmen's Guild.

Hull Stevedores' Mutual Aid Society.

North-East Coast Tug-Boatmen's Association.

Scottish Transport and General Workers' Union.†

National Federation of Sub-Postmasters.

National Guild of Telephonists.

Telecommunications Technicians Association.

Western Union Cable Employees' (European Division) Association.

Co-operative Branch Managers' and Overseers' Union.

National Amalgamated Union of Vintners' and Allied Trades Assistants.

Manchester Abattoirs Meat Workers' Association.

North of Ireland Operative Butchers' and Allied Workers' Association.

North of Ireland Slaughtering Contractors' Association.

Association of Assistant Superintendents (Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Limited).

  • Britannic Assurance Chief Office Staff Association.
  • National Association of Liverpool Victoria Managers.
  • Association of Superintendents and Assistant Superintendents of the Blackburn Assurance Company Limited.‡
  • Britannic Field Staff Association.‡
  • Liverpool Victoria Workers' Union.‡
  • London and Manchester Staff Union.‡
  • National Pearl Federation.‡
  • National Union of Pearl Agents.‡
  • Prudential Staff Union.‡
  • Refuge Field Staff Association.‡
  • Royal Liver Employees' Union.‡
  • Royal London Staff Association.‡

† Affiliated to the Scottish T.U.C.

‡ Not themselves affiliated to the T.U.C., but the national body to which these are affiliated, is both registered and affiliated to the T.U.C.

Pearl Unions Federation.

Prudential District Managers' Association. Royal Liver District Managers' Association in co-operation with the Association of Irish District Managers.

London Schoolkeepers' Association.

National Association of Youth Leaders and Organisers.

General Dental Practitioners' Association.

National Ambulance Services Association.

National Federation of Hospital Officers.

Speech Therapists Professional Association.

Scottish Chiropodists' Association.

British Association of Chemists.

British Council Staff Association.

National Union of Atomic Workers.

N.U.A.W. Organisaters' Association.

Registered Pharmacists' Union.

Association of B.B.C. Engineers.

Association of Broadcasting Staff.

Guild of British Broadcasting Corporation Technical Staff.

Society of Cinema Managers of Great Britain and Ireland (Amalgamated).

Television and Screen Writers' Guild.

Northern Ireland Musicians' Association.

Scottish Football Players' Union.

Scottish Junior Football Players' Union.

National Union of Club Stewards.

United Federation of Hotel Managers and Club Stewards of Great Britain.

Northumberland and Durham Club Stewards' Association.

Yorkshire Federation of Club Stewards.

Welsh Union of Club Stewards.

Pianoforte Tuners' Association.

Federation of Civil Service Professional and Technical Staffs.

Association of Government Supervisors and Radio Officers.

Guild of Public Health Inspectors.

National Association of Fire Officers.