Hire Purchase
Bill to amend the law relating to hire purchase and sales on credit of goods; and for purposes connected therewith, presented by Mr. W. T. Williams; supported by Mr. Jay, Mr. Oram, Mr. Darling, Mr. R. Edwards, Mr. Dodds, Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Slater, Mr. Goodhart, and Mr. Shepherd; read the First time: to be read a Second time upon Friday, 8th December, and to be printed. [Bill 18.]
Consumer Test Registration
Bill to provide for the registration of particulars as to the financial state of affairs, control and management of bodies corporate and unincorporate, engaging in the publication of comparative reports on consumer goods or services or in the award of diplomas or of the authority to use marks or emblems denoting approval of such goods or services or their compliance with certain standards, and for the registration of particulars as to the criteria and results of research or investigation carried out for the purposes of such reports or awards; and for purposes concerned therewith, presented by Mr. Goodhart; supported by Mr. MacArthur, Mrs. McLaughlin, Mr. R. Carr, Mr. Darling, Mr. Price, Mr. Proudfoot, and Mr. W. T. Williams; read the First time; to be read a Second time upon Friday, 26th January, and to be printed. [Bill 19.]
Local Authorities (Historic Buildings)
Bill to make provision for contributions by local authorities towards the repair and maintenance of buildings of historic or architectural interest; and for purposes connected therewith, presented by Mr. Channon; supported by Mr. Deedes, Sir H. Kerr, Dr. Stross, Mr. Ridley, Mr. Driberg, Mr. Robert Cooke, and Mr. A. Royle; read the First time; to be read a Second time upon Friday, 9th February, and to be printed. [Bill 20.]
Protection Of Amenity
Bill to make better provision for the protection and enhancement of amenity in town and country, presented by Mr. Brian Batsford; supported by Mr. Deedes, Sir H. Kerr, Mr. Crosland, and Dr. Stross; read the First time; to be read a Second time upon Friday, 9th March, and to be printed. [Bill 21.]
Fair Trade Practices
Bill to prohibit deceptive and misleading advertising and labelling of consumer goods and other unfair trading practices; and for purposes connected therewith, presented by Mr. Robert Edwards; supported by Mr. Darling, Mr. Oram, Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Slater, Mr. Owen, Mr. Dodds, Sir M. Galpern, Mr. Pavitt, Dr. Dickson Mabon, and Mr. Stonehouse; read the First time; to be read a Second time upon Friday, 23rd February, and to be printed. [Bill 22.]
Carriage By Air (Supplementary Provisions)
Bill to give effect to the Convention, supplementary to the Warsaw Convention, for the unification of certain rules relating to international carriage by air performed by a person other than the contracting carrier; and for connected purposes, presented by Mr. Neave; supported by Sir A. V. Harvey, Mr. Ronald Bell, Dr. Bennett, Mr. de Ferranti, and Mr. J. H. Osborn; read the First time; to be read a Second time upon Friday, 23rd March, and to be printed. [Bill 23.]
Local Authorities (Amenities)
Bill to enable local authorities to provide, protect and enhance local amenities, presented by Mr. Ellis Smith; supported by Dr. Stross, Mrs. Slater, Mr. T. Brown, Mr. Harold Davies, Mr. Swingler, Mr. C. Royle, Mr. Frank Allaun, and Mr. W. Griffiths; read the First time; to be read a Second time upon Friday, 23rd February, and to be printed. [Bill 24.]
Police Federations
Bill to amend the law relating to the constitution and proceedings of the Police Federations, presented by Sir M. Galpern; supported by Mr. Callaghan, Mr. R. Edwards, Mr. John Hall, Sir H. Lucas-Tooth, Mrs. Hobson, and Mr. C. Pannell; read the First time; to be read a Second time upon Friday, 9th February, and to be printed. [Bill 25.]
Sexual Offences
Bill to amend the law relating to homo-sexual offences, presented by Mr. Abse; supported by Mr. Chataway, Mr. Rawlinson, Mr. Thorpe, Mr. Fitch, and Mr. LI. Williams; read the First time; to be read a Second time upon Friday, 9th March, and to be printed. [Bill 26.]
Lotteries And Gaming
Bill to make provision with respect to the interpretation of references to private gain in certain enactments relating to lotteries or gaming, presented by Mr. Bidgood; supported by Sir Harmar Nicholls, Commander Donaldson, Mr. Farey-Jones, Mr. D. Howell, Mr. Lagden, Mr. Lipton, Mr. McAdden, Mr. N. Pannell, Mr. A. Roberts, Sir E. Errington, and Mr. E. Johnson; read the First time; to be read a Second time upon Friday, 23rd March, and to be printed. [Bill 27.]
National Assistance Act, 1948 (Amendment)
Bill to amend section thirty-one of the National Assistance Act, 1948, and to empower local authorities to provide meals and recreation for old people; and for purposes connected therewith, presented by Mr. G. Johnson Smith; supported by Mr. McLeavy, Miss Vickers, Mr. Popplewell, Lady Gammans, Mr. George Craddock, Sir F. Markham, Dr. Dickson Mabon, Mr. T. Brown, and Mr. Worsley; read the First time; to be read a Second time upon Friday, 8th December, and to be printed. [Bill 28.]
Agricultural And Forestry Associations (Trading Agreements)
Bill to provide that certain trading agreements entered into by associations of persons occupying land used for agriculture or forestry shall be exempted from the application of Part I of the Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1956, presented by Mr. Aitken; supported by Sir R. Nugent, Mr. Corfield, Mrs. Emmet, Mr. Marshall, Sir P. Agnew, Sir C. Osborne, Mr. Bryant Godman Irvine, and Sir A. Hurd; read the First time; to be read a Second time upon Friday, 26th January, and to be printed. [Bill 29.]
Insurance Companies (Share Capital)
Bill to increase the minimum paid up share capital required by an insurance company to which the Insurance Companies Act, 1958, applies, presented by Major Hicks Beach; supported by Mr. du Cann, Mr. Walker, Mr. MacArthur, and Sir T. Moore; read the First time; to be read a Second time upon Friday, 9th March, and to be printed. [Bill 30.]
Landlord And Tenant
Bill to require the giving of information by landlords to tenants; and for purposes connected therewith, presented by Lieut.-Colonel Cordeaux; read the First time; to be read a Second time upon Friday, 23rd March, and to be printed. [Bill 31.]
National Insurance (Widowed Mothers)
Bill to provide for the abolition of the earnings rule in relation to widowed mothers by the amendment of section seventeen of the National Insurance Act, 1946, presented by Mr. W. Griffiths; supported by Mr. Delargy, Mrs. Slater, Miss Herbison, Mr. Mellor, Mrs. Cullen, Mr. Fitch, Mr. Frank Allaun, Mr. C. Hughes, Mrs. Castle, Mr. Mapp, and Mr. Finch; read the First time; to be read a Second time upon Friday, 9th February, and to be printed. [Bill 32.]
Shops (Airports)
Bill to exempt shops at certain airports, and the carrying on of any retail trade or business at or in connection with such shops, from the provisions of Parts I and IV of the Shops Act, 1950; and for purposes connected therewith, presented by Commander Kerans; supported by Mr. J. Harvey, Mr. Goodhew, Mr. Channon, Mr. Shepherd, Mr. N. Pannell, Mr. K. Lewis, Mr. Jones, Mr. F. M. Bennett, Mr. Scott-Hopkins, and Mr. Drayson; read the First time; to be read a Second time upon Friday, 26th January, and to be printed. [Bill 33.]
Air Guns And Shot Guns, Etc
Bill to restrict the use and possession of air guns, shot guns and similar weapons, presented by Mr. B. Harrison; supported by Sir L. Heald, Sir A. Hurd, Mr. Deedes, Mr. Goodhart, Mr. Hobson, and Major Hicks Beach; read the First time; to be read a Second time upon Friday, 26th January, and to be printed. [Bill 34.]
Local Government (Records)
Bill to amend the law relating to the functions of local authorities with respect to records in written or other form, presented by Mr. Ridley; read the First time; to be read a Second time upon Friday, 23rd February, and to be printed. [Bill 35.]
Coal Consumers' Council (Northern Irish Interests)
Bill to provide for the appointment to the Industrial Coal Consumers' Council and the Domestic Coal Consumers' Council of persons to represent Northern Irish interests, presented by Mr. H. Clark; supported by Mr. Blyton, Sir D. Campbell, Mr. Currie, Mr. Forrest, Lieut.-Colonel Grosvenor, Mr. Maginnis, Mrs. McLaughlin, Mr. McMaster, Mr. Stratton Mills, and Captain Orr; read the First time; to be read a Second time upon Friday, 8th December, and to be printed. [Bill 36.]