asked the Lord Privy Seal if he is yet in a position to make a detailed statement on the course and result of the international commission of inquiry into the "Red Crusader" incident which was due to begin on 21st November, 1961.
I have nothing to add to my reply to the hon. and learned Gentleman's Question of 29th January.
Is not that a disgraceful confession of incapacity on the part of the Government and is not this whole transaction another instance of the Government's failure to deal with and protect the British fishing industry? Will the Government look into the matter with a view to seeing that justice is done to the British fishing industry, particularly the Aberdeen fleet?
I am afraid that I could not accept that description of the position. It is in the hope of ensuring that justice is done that this Commission is taking time with these discussions. I am sure that the hon. and learned Gentleman will realise that the matter is sub judice, and that it would be wrong for Her Majesty's Government to press the Commission unduly to hurry its deliberations.