asked the Parliamentary Secretary for Science how many research stations are run, or grant assisted, by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research; and which of these are in the northern region.
The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research has 15 research stations, and also makes grants to 52 research associations, of which 47 have research stations. Of these last, the Parsons and Marine Engineering Turbine Research and Development Association (PAMETRADA), one of the larger research associations, is in the northern region, in Newcastle.
Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that research stations are as important as factories to the North-East, both as stimulants and as a means of employment for science graduates, many of whom have to leave the area in order to find work? Will he look into that aspect of the matter?
I will certainly look into this matter, but the hon. Member will agree that the siting of co-operative industrial research establishments and laboratories is a matter primarily for the industrial members of the research association, who pay far and away the majority of the subscriptions.