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Written Answers

Volume 655: debated on Monday 12 March 1962

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Written Answers To Questions

Monday, 12th March, 1962


Fazakerley Hospital, Liverpool


asked the Minister of Health if, in view of continuing delays, he will now state his expected timetable for the Fazakerley hospital building programme.

Ante-Natal Clinics (Appointments)


asked the Minister of Health what steps he has taken to emphasise to hospital management committees the desirability of introducing the appointments system into their antenatal clinics; and what progress has been made.

Hospital Management Committees are fully aware of this. Progress is summarised in the Ministry's Monthly Bulletin for February, of which I am sending my noble Friend a copy.

Children In Hospital (Platt Committee's Report)


asked the Minister of Health what progress has been made in implementing the recommendation of the Platt Committee on the welfare of children in hospital that there should be unrestricted visiting hours for children subject only to the direction of the sister in charge of the ward.

Many hospitals now have this practice. I intend asking hospital authorities to extend it further.

Hospital Houses


asked the Minister of Health what was the average annual rent at the latest available date for 3, 4 and 5 apartment hospital houses.

About £47 a year early in 1961 for houses occupied by staff. No figures are available of rents paid by other tenants or of rents paid for houses of different sizes.

asked the Minister of Health if he will state the provisions for the levying of rates, or contributions in lieu of rates, on hospital houses in England and Wales.

Hospital houses rank as Crown property exempt from rates, but hospital authorities add to their tenants' rents the amount of contributions in lieu of rates made to rating authorities on the basis of current poundages.

Hospital Staff


asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that unqualified staffs are being recruited for nursing duties and designated as ward orderlies and attendants because they cannot be recruited or retained as nursing assistants or assistant nurses; and what steps he proposes to take to ensure that all hospital staff are properly qualified.

I have no evidence that unqualified staff recruited for nursing duties are being improperly graded as ward orderlies or attendants; or that hospital nursing staffs are undertaking work for which they are not fitted by training or experience.

Psychiatric Hospitals (Staff)


asked the Minister of Health what representations he has received from the staff side of the Nurses and Midwives Whitley Council regarding the dispute in connection with the Council's failure to agree terms of reference to the Industrial Court with regard to the dispute on annual leave for nursing assistants in psychiatric hospitals.


asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware of the staff position in many psychiatric hospitals where whole wards are being supervised by unqualified personnel, some of whom have only recently come to England from overseas; and what steps he will take to deal with the problem.

I am aware that unqualified staff sometimes supervise wards, with qualified staff on call. Close supervision by qualified staff is not always necessary or indeed desirable.

Nursing Staff (Transport)


asked the Minister of Health what instructions have been given to regional hospital boards and hospital management committees in connection with the provision of transport for nursing staffs who have to travel when there are restricted public transport services at nights and at weekends.

New Hospital, Wythenshawe


asked the Minister of Health how much has been spent in architects and surveyors fees for the Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester; and how much of this is due to changes of plan since the beginning of the project.

King George V Sanatorium

asked the Minister of Health what percentage of the beds available were used in the treatment of tuberculosis patients at the King George V Sanatorium at Liphook during the past year; how many medical and non-medical staff are employed by the hospital; if any definite plans have been formed for its future; and what alternative provision is available in the event of its closure.

33 per cent.; 2 full-time and 1 part-time medical staff, and non-medical staff equivalent to 66 full-time; consultations are proceeding on the proposal made in Command 1604 to close the hospital in 1962; alternative provision can be made in other hospitals in the group.

Hospital Management Committees

asked the Minister of Health what directions he has given to hospital management committees under the powers conferred on him by Clause 5 of the National Health Service (Functions of Regional Hospital Boards etc.) Regulations, 1948, S.I., 1948, No. 60.

No general directions have been given to hospital management committees under these powers.

asked the Minister of Health what steps he takes before making appointments of members of regional hospital boards to ensure that appointments made by them to hospital management committees are free from political discrimination.

Manchester Regional Hospital Board

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that before making recent appointments of members of the Oldham Hospitals Management Committee the Manchester Regional Hospital Board failed to consult the Committee in accordance with the obligations imposed by Part II of the Third Schedule of the National Health Service Act, 1946; and if he will exercise his powers under Section 57 (1) of the Act and institute an inquiry into the matter.

asked the Minister of Health what steps he has taken and is prepared to take to consult representatives of the trade union movement and organised workers before making appointments of the chairman of the Manchester Regional Hospital Board and of eight members, due to be made from 31st March, 1962.

I invite recommendations for the membership of all boards from the Trade Union Congress.

Hospital Confinements

asked the Minister of Health if, in view of the fact that in 1960 only just over half of the women over 35 years of age who had borne four children or more previously were confined in hospital, what steps he is taking to ensure that as far as practicable all maternity cases at special risk are confined in hospital.

Frequent insistence on the importance of hospital confinement for this and other groups at special risk, and the planned increase in maternity beds already announced.

Ministry Of Health

Spectacle Frames


asked the Minister of Health if he will ensure that all spectacles provided under the National Health Service are fitted with non-inflammable frames.

We await the outcome of the consultation announced by my hon. and learned Friend the Minister of State, Home Office, on 1st February.

Basic grade340–400480–610525–650
Senior/Single-handed grade350–410550–670610–745
Superintendent I with intermediate grades to370–430565–685655–815
Superintendent—highest grade470–560750–875870–1,060
Principal Teacher I490–690 (range)700–900840–1,070
Principal Teacher II490–690 (range)750–960905–1,155
DateNumber in post (whole-time equivalent)
31st December, 194938
31st December, 195854
31st December, 196148½
The numbers in post in 1948 are not known.

General Practitioner, London (Censure)


asked the Minister of Health what pay was withheld from the doctor censured by the London Executive Council for refusing to visit a patient who died less than one hour later.



asked the Minister of Health how many people during each of the last five years have been sent to resettlement centres to learn a new trade following a severe illness; and how many have been successfully settled in jobs.



asked the Minister of Health what were the salary rates for physiotherapists in each of the following years, 1938,1948, and 1958; what are the present salary rates; and what were the numbers engaged in Northumberland at each of these times.

Information for 1938 is not available. The other figures are:Training in new trades and resettlement in employment are matters for my right hon. Friend the Minister of Labour.



asked the Minister of Health what representations he has received from the General Whitley Council on his proposals for redundancy in the National Health Service; whether those representations have been considered; and to what extent they have been met.

There was detailed consultation. On most of the matters discussed provision is made, but in certain respects, notably terminal payments, the Staff Side would have wished to go further.



asked the Minister of Health if he will make a statement on the effect on the eyes of glass in offices without blinds; and what guidance he has given.

Scott Committee (Report)

asked the Minister of Health when he received the Report of the Scott Committee on the training of workers in training centres; when this will be published; and what is the cause of the delay.

The report was referred back for consideration of certain comments made by the Central Health Services Council. It was further considered by the Standing Mental Health Advisory Committee on 28th February. I await the Council's final comments and will consider publication when I have them.

Mentally Subnormal Patients

asked the Minister of Health on what date it is expected that the additional beds for subnormal patients to be provided at Church Hill House, Bracknell, and Normansfield, Teddington, will come into use.

As announced in Command Paper 1604, work on these projects should start in the years 1966–67 to 1970–71. It is not yet possible to give more precise dates.

Medical Auxiliaries

asked the Minister of Health what percentage increase or decrease there has been in the numbers of dieticians, medical laboratory technicians, radiographers, physiotherapists, orthoptists, remedial gymnasts and occupational therapists employed in the National Health Service compared with the number employed in 1949.

The approximate figures for England and Wales are:

Increase per cent.
Medical laboratory technicians58½
Remedial Gymnasts55
Occupational therapists103

asked the Minister of Health what percentage increase or decrease there has been in the numbers of students in training to qualify as dieticians, radiographers, medical laboratory technicians, physiotherapists, orthoptists, remedial gymnasts and occupational therapists, respectively, compared with the numbers in training in 1949.

The Answer is:

Increase per cent.
Medical laboratory technicians97½
No comparison is possible for remedial gymnasts. Information for occupational therapists or dieticians is not available.


asked the Minister of Health whether, following the report of the Standing Joint Committee on the classification of proprietary preparations, there has ben a reduction in the amount of drugs and preparations prescribed in the National Health Service outside the lists in the British Pharmacopoeia, the British Pharmaceutical Codex and the British National Formulary.

asked the Minister of Health when the terms of reference of the Cohen Committee were revised to enable it to recommend that there should be clinical tests of drugs in cases which it thinks advisable; how many such recommendations the committee has made; and which body has been responsible for undertaking the necessary clinical tests.

In March, 1960. The Committee has not so far made such a recommendation. In a number of cases additional trials have been arranged by manufacturers following an intimation from the Committee that the evidence before it was insufficient to prove therapeutic value.

asked the Minister of Health what consideration he has given to the need for drawing the attention of the public to the risks which may be involved in using drugs already in their possession, further supplies or which have since been withdrawn for tests or have been the subject of warning letters to doctors as to their use; and if he will make a statement.

My right hon. Friend is not aware of any case where a public warning from the Department is called for.

General Practice (Vacancies)

asked the Minister of Health what is the average number of applicants for executive council vacancies in general practices in each year since 1948; and what is the proportion of doctors of overseas origin amongst such applicants.

Following are the figures:

PeriodAverage Applicants
July, 1948—December, 195225
I regret that the information asked for in the last part of the Question is not available.

Working Parties And Committees

asked the Minister of Health if he will give a list of the working parties and special committees which are at present in existence in connection with the National Health Service, and the dates when it is anticipated that they will complete their deliberations.

The following is the information requested. It excludes Standing Committees and their subcommittees.

Committee/Working PartyAnticipated date of completion
Committee of Inquiry into the administrative and clerical staffing arrangements of the hospital serviceNot known
Working Party on Medical Records of Psychiatric PatientsDecember, 1962
Committee on Radiological Hazards to PatientsNot known
Joint Committee on Central Sterile Supply DepartmentsDecember, 1962


asked the Minister of Health how many deaths from vaccination have occurred during the recent outbreak of smallpox.

Five deaths are known to have been registered in England and Wales since 1st January, 1962, where vaccination was mentioned in the statement of cause.

asked the Minister of Health what was the condition as to vaccination of the smallpox cases in the recent smallpox outbreak in Sheffield.

Lung Cancer (Cigarette Smoking)

asked the Minister of Health, in view of the new evidence on smoking and lung cancer contained in the report of the Platt Committee, a copy of which has been sent to him, what steps he now proposes to take to deal with this danger to health.

I would refer the hon. Member to my reply today to the hon. Member for Brixton (Mr. Lipton) and others.

Smoking (Young Persons)

asked the Minister of Health what action has been taken, in the interest of health, during the last three years to discourage young people from contracting the habit of smoking.

This has been part of the health education work of the local authorities.

Executive Councils (Appointments)

asked the Minister of Health on what basis he makes appointments to health executive councils; and if he will ensure that adequate representation is given to the organised trade union workers in the Oldham area.

My object is to make a wide range of views and experience available to councils. I do not appoint members in a representative capacity.

Lung Cancer

asked the Minister of Health if he will state the increase in

YearNumber of deathsPercentage increase from previous yearNumber of deathsPercentage increase from previous yearNumber of deathsPercentage increase from previous year


Manual Workers (Earnings)


asked the Minister of Labour how many male weekly wage earners were earning less than £10 for any week in January, 1962; how many were earning between £10 and £12 a week on the same date; how many earned between £12 and £15 on the same date; how many earned between £15 and £20 on the same date; and how many earned over £20 on that date.

Full scale inquiries into the earnings of manual workers were made in 1886, 1906, 1938 and October, 1960. The results of this last inquiry were published in the Ministry of Labour Gazette for April and June, 1961.My right hon. Friend is examining the possibilities of obtaining reliable statistics more frequently by a sampling technique.

Wages (Sliding-Scale Agreements)


asked the Minister of Labour if he will give the total number of workers covered by wage agreements which include an automatic sliding scale related to the Cost-of-Living Index; and what has been the percentage increase in wages covered by such agreements since the introduction of the incomes pause policy.

deaths from lung cancer in each of the last three years.

The latest available figures are as follows:It is estimated that these arrangements have, on average, increased the rates of wages for the workers concerned by about 17 per cent. between end July, 1961, and end February, 1962.

Pakistani Immigrants


asked the Minister of Labour what is the total number of immigrant Pakistanis unemployed in England and Wales and in High Wycombe and district, respectively; and what percentage this represents in each case of the estimated immigrant Pakistani population.

On 6th February, 1962, there were 7,493 Pakistani immigrants registered as unemployed at employment exchanges in England and Wales; 113 were registered at High Wycombe. There are no reliable estimates of the total Pakistani population in this country.

Car Workers, Coventry (Redundancy)


asked the Minister of Labour whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that 350 car workers employed by Bristol Siddeley Engines, Ltd., in Coventry, are to be dismissed as redundant in the near future; and what action he has taken to provide comparable employment for those dismissed.

Yes. A number of workers from this firm will become redundant during March. We are already registering these workers in advance of their discharge and my local officers will do all they can to find suitable alternative employment for them.

European Economic Community


asked the Minister of Labour what study he has now made of the effects on employment in Britain of the United Kingdom joining the European Common Market; and whether he will make a statement.

It is too early to attempt any detailed assessment of the possible effects on employment should this country join the European Economic Community but there seems to be no reason to expect that the total effects would be adverse.



asked the Minister of Labour what is the Tate of unemployment in Tees-side; how this compares with the national average; and what are the Government's plans for dealing with redundancy for Tees-side.

At 12th February, 4·7 per cent., compared with 2·0 per cent. in Great Britain as a whole. The employment position should improve as soon as demand for iron and steel recovers. There are also over 3,000 new jobs in prospect on Tees-side.

Katanga (Radio Station)


asked the Lord Privy Seal why the United Nations opened a radio station in Katanga; what is the cost; who prepares, approves and makes the broadcasts, in what languages, and for what purposes; and whether the enterprise has the support of the Katanga Government.

The purpose of this station is to provide news and music programmes for the local population. The cost is primarily the salary of the three technicians who, assisted by local announcers, run the station. Broadcasts are in French and Swahili. The Katanga Provincial Government is not associated in running the service, but the station broadcasts official Katanga announcements when asked to do so.

Fishing Vessel "Red Crusader" (Inquiry)


asked the Lord Privy Seal who represents Great Britain at the international commission of inquiry into the "Red Crusader" incident; who represents each of the other nations involved; and who are the personnel of the Commission.

The Commission of Inquiry consists of Professor Charles de Visscher of Belgium (President), Professor André Gros, Legal Adviser to the Quai d'Orsay and Captain C. Moolenburgh, Inspector-General of Shipping under the Netherlands Government.At the Oral Hearing, Her Majesty's Government are represented by my right hon. and learned Friend the Attorney-General, Mr. Eustace Roskill, Q.C., and Mr. B. Sheen. Mr. F. A. Vallat, C.M.G., Q.C., Legal Adviser to the Foreign Office, is the United Kingdom Agent before the Commission. Counsel will be assisted by representatives of the Admiralty and of the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland. The Danish Government are represented by Mr. Otto Borch, Head of a Department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Professor Max Soerensen, Professor of International Law and Legal Adviser to the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Captain Rossing of the Ministry of Defence, and Mr. Bent Jakobsen, the Danish Agent. No other country is involved in this case.

European Economic Community


asked the Lord Privy Seal what representations he has made to the European Economic Community about the delay in making available the final text of the agreement between member countries on agricultural policy.

None. The final texts of these agreements are still being drawn up by a body of jurists and linguists drawn from the member countries of the Community. The date of their publication is a matter beyond our control and I cannot say when it will be.

asked the Lord Privy Seal what are the recent additions which have been made to Commonwealth consultative machinery in Brussels in connection with the United Kingdom's negotiations with the European Economic Community.

None. Close and frequent consultations continue between our delegation in Brussels and the Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, Indian and Pakistani missions there, and also with visiting representatives of Ceylon and the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. This is of course in addition to the regular meetings between Ministers or officials here and representatives of all Commonwealth countries.

Agriculture, Fisheries And Food

River Hull (Wharves)

80 and 81.

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1) if he will state the number of wharves on the River Hull which have been below flood level for over twelve months and now have only temporary sand bag protection; and what steps have been taken preparatory to court action to ensure that these wharves are brought up to flood prevention level;(2) what steps are to be taken to ensure that all possible deficient wharves on the River Hull are raised above flood level by permanent work before the current equinoctial high water spring tides on 20th March.

The Kingston-upon-Hull Corporation has served sixty-six notices under the Hull Corporation Act, 1925, requiring owners to raise their wharves to prescribed levels. In all but four cases permanent works have been completed. Sandbagging is necessary as a precautionary measure in these cases. I understand that negotiations are continuing to ensure that permanent works are done, and I hope this will obviate the need for court action.

Veal Production


asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether, with a view to improving methods of control in this country over establishments used for the intensified production of veal, he will study recent regulations which have been introduced in that connection by the Dutch Government, details of which have been sent to him by the hon. Member for Gillingham, with a view to their practical application in this country where possible.

The Dutch regulations to which my hon. Friend refers appear to be those which forbid the keeping of fattening calves in total darkness or in circumstances where they cannot lie down on their sides. I have no evidence that calves are being reared under conditions such as these in this country, where powers already exist under the Protection of Animals Act, 1911, to prevent unnecessary suffering to any animal.

Soft Drinks


asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food how many million bottles of soft drinks were produced in the United Kingdom in the latest convenient year.

This information is not available. In 1961, nearly 43·8 million gallons of concentrated soft drinks and nearly 231·6 million gallons of unconcentrated soft drinks were produced. In view of the great variation in size of bottles, it is impossible to say how many bottles this is equivalent to.

Price Reviews (Under-Recoupment)

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what was the largest amount of under-recoup-ment for farmers in the Price Review awards between the years 1948 and 1952, exclusively; and what proportion this under-recoupment was of the total value of the Review commodities for the year in question.

At the 1951 Annual Review there was an award of £43¼ million as against estimated aggregate cost increases of £75¾ million for Review commodities. The difference of £32½ million represents rather more than 4 per cent. of the value of Review commodities in 1950–51.


asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1) in view of the fact that the volume of timber produced by thinnings and clear fellings in Forestry Commission forests during 1960 increased by 2·9 million hoppus feet, and is increasing annually at an even faster rate, and that the prospective use of timber in this country for pit props is steadily diminishing, what steps he is taking to ensure adequate arrangements by which the increasing production of thinnings will be effectively absorbed by the enlargement of the chip-board and other timber-using industries;(2) what is the total amount of grants in aid which have been voted by Parliament to the Forestry Commission since its establishment; and what steps he will take in the near future to ensure that this investment of money will be adequately repaid, particularly so far as concerns the control of the importation of timber and timber products.

The total amount of grants in aid voted to the Commission since its establishment is £130,700,000.As my hon. and gallant Friend was assured in reply to his Questions on 27th April and 1st June, 1961, the Forestry Commission is constantly exploring possible new markets and encouraging the growth of new timber-using industries, particularly those concerned with chipboard and similar timber products, which use thinnings. I am satisfied that the situation does not call for measures to control imports of timber, on which this country must always be largely dependent.


Nuclear Power (Capital Expenditure)


asked the Minister of Power what advances he is making during 1961–62 towards the cost of generating electricity by nuclear power.

Exchequer advances to the nationalised industries are not related to particular types of plant. The Generating Board's capital expenditure on nuclear power in 1961–62 is expected to be £71 million, including the cost of initial charges of nuclear fuel.




asked the Minister of Power if he will publish a table of figures giving the percentage rise or fall in the number of pits, the number of coal face workers, and the output production per man in Scotland, in each of the years from 1951.

Following are the figures:

(Indices, 1951 = 100)
YearNumber of mines producing coalNumber of face-workersOutput per man-year of face-workers
NOTE: The figures for earlier years have been adjusted to the latest definitions.

Closed Pits


asked the Minister of Power which pits have been closed since 1st May, 1947, giving their names, date of closure and divisional location, and the capital value of each unit, as agreed between the Government and the former owners on vesting day.

The global sum of compensation for colliery assets, vested in the National Coal Board, was divided by Valuation Boards among what were known as compensation units. These comprised one or more collieries, and values of individual pits are not available. The hon. Member also asks for a great deal of other information, about which I will write to him as soon as possible.

Pensions And National Insurance

Jute Workers, Dundee (Unemployment Benefit)


asked the Minister of Pensions and National Insurance whether workers in the jute industry in the City of Dundee who are only being employed part-time will now have restored to them their normal entitlement to unemployment benefit.

As the hon. Member will be aware, entitlement to unemployment benefit is decided by independent adjudicating authorities. I am informed that eight test cases relating to these workers were heard by the local tribunal on 1st March. Two were allowed but the remainder were disqualified for benefit under the trade dispute provisions. I understand that claims for days lost subsequent to the days covered by the tribunal's decisions have not yet been decided but I will write to the hon. Member as soon as these further decisions are known.


asked the Minister of Pensions and National Insurance how many people are now insured under the National Insurance scheme; how many pay contributions under the new pensions scheme; and what percentage of the population over school-leaving age and retirement age this represents.

National Insurance contributions are currently payable for about 24¼ million persons. The numbers also paying contributions under the graduated pensions scheme will not be known until the records of the first year's contributions on the P.A.Y.E. forms have been received and analysed.

Ministry Of Aviation

Viscount Aircraft (Sale To China)


asked the Minister of Aviation what has been the result of Her Majesty's Government's discussions with the United States authorities with regard to the contract for six Viscount aircraft for sale to the People's Republic of China.

Discussions with United States authorities are not concluded and I am not in a position to disclose details.

Airlines (Safety Standards)


asked the Minister of Aviation how many foreign national aviation companies are operating services in and out of the United Kingdom, specifying which are operating chartered services; and how many of these companies he has consulted regarding their general safety standards.

Forty-four foreign and Commonwealth airlines are operating regular traffic services to and from the United Kingdom. Twenty-seven of these, together with forty-one other foreign and Commonwealth operators, were granted permits during 1961 to carry out specific charter flights to and from this country. During 1961 it was found necessary in two cases to consult the national aviation authorities concerned about safety standards. It has not so far been necessary to take similar steps in any case in 1962.


asked the Minister of Aviation to what extent he is satisfied with British airlines continuing the practice of allowing their chartered aircraft to be used on foreign air routes operating to and from foreign airports without touching down in the United Kingdom; whether he is satisfied with his control over their safety standards: and if he will make a statement.

United Kingdom aircraft, like United Kingdom ships, provide charter services in many parts of the world and it is desirable that they should continue to do so. The safety controls of United Kingdom legislation, including Air Operators' Certificates, apply to United Kingdom aircraft wherever they may be. They are enforced by inspectors who fly all over the world. My right hon. Friend is satisfied that his control over operators' safety standards is not affected by the fact of their operating abroad.

Airfields, London


asked the Minister of Aviation in view of the Government's decision to close down Croydon Airport, what arrangements he proposes to make to provide adequate aerodrome facilities within easy reach of London for the use of business and executive aircraft.

Twelve airfields within 25 miles of Central London are already open to business and executive flyers. As my hon. Friend knows, my right hon. Friend has arranged for Biggin Hill to be made available permanently for civil flying, and trial Customs facilities can also be provided. He is also making arrangements with my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Air for private aircraft to have limited access to the R.A.F. aerodromes at Northolt and North Weald.


asked the Minister of Aviation how many airfields in the London and Home Counties areas, including Croydon, have been closed down since the end of hostilities in 1945.

The number in Essex, Hertfordshire, Middlesex, Surrey, Kent and Buckinghamshire is 35, of which 18 were in Essex. The number within 25 miles of Charing Cross is 12.

British European Airways (Licensing Appeal)

asked the Minister of Aviation if he will state the name of the commissioner he is appointing to hear the appeal of British European Airways against the decision of the Air Licensing Board; and what will be the date of the hearing.

I propose to announce the appointment of the Commissioner shortly.

Anglo-French Supersonic Civil Transport Aircraft (Engine)

asked the Minister of Aviation what steps he is taking to secure a combined effort by British aero-engine manufacturers in the development of an engine for the Anglo-French supersonic civil transport aircraft so as to ensure that the engine is the best that British industry can produce.

Commonwealth Relations


98 and 99.

asked the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations (1) what are the rates of pension increases awarded by the Government of Ghana to former members of the Colonial Service and to Service widows; when these awards were made; how they compare with the awards made to home civil servants under the Pensions (Increase) Act, 1959; and whether he is satisfied with the increases in present circumstances;

(2) what are the rates of pension increases awarded by the Government of Malaya to former members of the Colonial Service and to Service widows; when these awards were made; how they compare with the awards made to home civil servants under the Pensions (Increase) Act, 1959; and whether he is satisfied with the increases in present circumstances.

Pension increases granted by independent Commonwealth Governments are a matter for those Governments.

asked the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations if he will give details of the amount and date of the last increase in pensions awarded by the Government of Ceylon to widows of former members of the Colonial Service, and of the date when the Ceylon Government's attention was first drawn by him to the need for further revision.

The question of pension increases is a matter for the Ceylon Government, to whom a copy of the United Kingdom Pensions (Increase) Act of 1959 was sent in October of that year.


Legal Aid


asked the Lord Advocate if he is aware that, as a result of the work to rule of the Agents for the Poor in Glasgow Sheriff Court since 1st March, poor defendants have failed to obtain legal assistance from those Agents who have made themselves available; and if he will instruct Procurators Fiscal to advise defendants of the assistance that may be given them provided they complete the Affidavits of Means that have been supplied by the Agents.

I understand that since 1st March very few accused persons have applied for the services of a solicitor for the poor in Glasgow Sheriff Court. I do not think, however, that it is, or should be, part of the duties of a Procurator Fiscal to give advice on the lines suggested by the hon. Member.

Education (Grants)


asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will state, for each education authority area, the number of educational grants and the average sum paid in respect of children at secondary schools and university

Education AuthorityHigher School BursariesUniversity (whole-time) Bursaries
Total Number of AwardsAverage sum paidTotal Number of AwardsAverage sum paid
East Lothian18935·365187·9
Moray and Nairn21138·1122203·8
Perth and Kinross54737·6225198·2
Ross and Cromarty19341·5153233·7
West Lothian33635·2108197·5

Slum Clearance And Central Development, Aberdeen


asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how much slum clearance is being undertaken in the City of Aberdeen; how much central development there has been to the latest convenient date; and what is the cost involved.

In the six years 1956–61 a total of 2,869 unfit houses were closed or demolished in Aberdeen, and the corporation

students, respectively, for the academic year 1960–61.

The information is contained in the following table:proposes to deal with a further 1,147 houses in the three years 1962–64. It has proposals for central development covering 19·76 acres and providing 704 new houses, of which 234 had been completed or were under construction at the end of 1961.The cost of these operations cannot readily be isolated from the total expenditure on housing in Aberdeen; capital expenditure in the years 1956–61 averaged £1,323,675.

National Finance

Soft Drinks


asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what sum, exclusive of the cost of collection, would result from a tax of 1d. per bottle on all soft drinks now sold in bottles with crown corks.

I regret the information required for such an estimate is not available.

Crown Estate

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what was the total net income in the last convenient twelve months received by the Exchequer from the Crown Lands, the Duchy of Cornwall, and other Royal revenues for which Her Majesty's Government are responsible; and what proportion of this total net income was returned to the Royal Family in the Civil List, including the Salaries and Expenses of Her Majesty's Household, and under supplementary provision.

The net income received by the Exchequer from the Crown Estate and other hereditary revenues of the Crown during the financial year 1960–61, amounted to £2,635,310. During the same financial year, payments from the Consolidated Fund in respect of the Queen's Civil List (after deduction of the appropriate share of the net revenues of the Duchy of Cornwall), annuities to members of the Royal Family, and retired allowances for members of the Royal Household, amounted to £593,975.

National Economic Development Council

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer to what extent the individual members of the National Economic Development Council have experience of the agricultural industry; and if he will give their qualifications in this respect.

Members of the Council have not been appointed on the basis of their experience of particular industries.

Chief Secretary To The Treasury (Notepaper)

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what was the cost of producing and printing the new note-paper embossed with the words Chief Secretary to the Treasury, now in use in his Department.

The post of Chief Secretary to the Treasury not having previously existed, a new the had to be made at a cost of about £12. The paper costs no more than similar paper supplied for other Ministers and at the House of Commons for use by hon. Members. An initial stock costing £74 has been ordered.


Mr Ganyile

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies, in view of the inquiries undertaken by Her Majesty's Government into the case of Mr. Ganyile, what information he has as to the compensation paid by the Government of the Republic of South Africa to Mr. Ganyile and his two companions who were arrested by the police of the Republic when on Basutoland territory and confined in prison for five months.

None. I understand that Mr. Ganyile, who is a South African citizen, has himself initiated proceedings for damages from the South African authorities.


Brewood Grammar School

asked the Minister of Education whether he is aware of the dissatisfaction caused by the proposal of Staffordshire County Council to close Brewood Grammar School; and if he will cause a local inquiry to be held before approving this closure, or any alteration in the purposes of the school.

My right hon. Friend is aware of the local feeling. The local education authority has made no formal proposal on this matter. If it does public notice will have to be given and objections may be made, of which my right hon. Friend would take full account before giving his decisions.

Health Education (Smoking)

asked the Minister of Education what steps he is taking, following the publication of the Royal College of Physicians' report on "Smoking and Health", a copy of which has been sent to him, to discourage smoking by schoolchildren.

My right hon. Friend, the Secretary of State for Scotland and I are drawing the attention of the local education authorities to this important Report immediately. Children and young people must be warned in every way possible of the dangers to their future health of smoking, particularly of cigarettes, and discouraged from forming the smoking habit. We are asking for the co-operation of local education authorities, teachers, and all those who work with children.I shall publish separately a revised version of the section in the Ministry's pamphlet

Health Education which deals with the dangers of smoking, incorporating material from this Report. Further measures will be discussed and worked out with all those concerned.

The Secretary of State is taking comparable steps in Scotland.

Trade And Commerce

Patents Act, 1949 (Section 41)

asked the President of the Board of Trade how many applications for licences under Section 41 of the Patents Act, 1949, have been made in the last five years; how many have been allowed by the Comptroller of Patents to proceed to advertisement; how many of these have proceeded to hearing; how many of them lapsed; how many licences have been granted; how many licences have been refused; how many cases are still undecided; and what are the longest, shortest and average lapses of time between application and decision in respect of those cases which have proceeded to hearing.

In the last five years, ten applications have been made for compulsory licences under Section 41 of the Patents Act, 1949. The earliest of these was made in June, 1960, and the latest in November, 1961. All were advertised and three have since been withdrawn. The remaining seven, of which four are from one applicant and are linked together, are still undecided. No hearings have been taken but the four linked applications, which have been opposed, are ready to be heard as soon as it is convenient to both parties.