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European Economic Community

Volume 655: debated on Tuesday 13 March 1962

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asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will state, for the last convenient year, the rates and amount of Customs duty paid on imports of office furniture, domestic furniture, domestic electric appliances, glassware and pottery, respectively, from each of the member countries of the European Economic Community.

Goods within these general descriptions are subject to duty at various rates, depending on the precise nature of each article involved. These are set out in detail in the Customs Tariff, but some of the principal rates are as follows:

DescriptionRate (ad valorem except where otherwise stated)
Office and domestic furniture of metalgenerally 15 per cent.
of other materials20 per cent.
Domestic electric appliancesmainly from 10 per cent. to 17½ per cent.
e.g. Cookers10 per cent.
Refrigerators15 per cent.
Hairdryers17½ per cent.
Laboratory33⅓ per cent.
Domesticgenerally 30 per cent.
Othergenerally 25 per cent.
Ordinary tableware and cooking utensils.25s. 0d. per cwt.
Fancy and ornamental90s. 0d. per cwt.
Domestic sanitary fittings25 per cent.
Laboratory33⅓ per cent.
Industrial20 per cent.
I regret that information regarding the amounts of customs duty paid on goods of these descriptions imported from each of the member countries of the E.E.C. is not available.