asked the Secretary for Technical Co-operation what help Her Majesty's Government is giving to the Centre for Educational Television Overseas; and what progress is being made by the Centre.
Her Majesty's Government are contributing £100,000 over five years.
The Centre, which was established only last December, is not a Government organisation and has not yet published a report. I understand that it has been busy recruiting staff and installing equipment, making closed circuit experiments and reviewing existing film material. It is hoped that production of new programmes will begin next month.This is an entirely admirable project which demands the fullest support of the Government. Can the Minister say what help is being given by way of the provision of television sets for schools overseas and whether any initiative has been made to produce a special service television set for this purpose?
I am glad to hear the hon. Gentleman's opening remarks about the Centre, in which the Government are a most enthusiastic partner. I am a little doubtful whether the provision of receivers comes within the scope of the Centre, but I have noted the hon. Gentleman's question.