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Invisible Trade And Long-Term Capital Movements

Volume 656: debated on Thursday 29 March 1962

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asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will publish a table showing the distribution by area of United Kingdom invisible trade and long-term capital movements for the same years and areas as in Table 6 of the White Paper on Balance of Payments, 1959 to 1961, Command 1671.

I regret that the estimates in respect of invisible and long-term capital transactions with these individual areas are not sufficiently reliable to publish in more detail than is already given. I would draw the hon. Gentleman's attention to the breakdown between the rest of the sterling area and the non-sterling world provided in Tables 2 and 3 of the White Paper to which he refers; to the area breakdown of travel transactions given in Table 10; and to the breakdown of Government loans in Table 11. I would also remind him of the detailed estimates of direct investment given in an article in the "Board of Trade Journal" for 6th October last, of which I am sending the hon. Member a copy.