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Private Roads (Damage By Developers)

Volume 725: debated on Tuesday 1 March 1966

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asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government whether he will take steps, by legislation or other-

Type of AdvertisementDealt with by:—Total
Total of appeals decidedPublic Local InquiryAccompanied VisitCorrespondence
Posters—below 16-375151143321348327
sheet size(81)(4)(15)(10)(52)(14)(67)
Posters—16-sheet and larger8913421281564115776
Illuminated trade signs613245197198261251362
Un illuminated trade signs29734161103113350247
The figures in brackets relate to public information panels. No separate figures are available in respect of the number of appeals allowed subject to conditions imposed by the Minister. The number of appeals awaiting decision at 31st December 1965 was 1010.

wise, to ensure that developers who use private roads to reach adjacent areas where development is taking place are made responsible for damage caused to the private roads, and so ensure that this matter is not left to voluntary agreements which are unsatisfactory and cause hardship to local residents.

No. Such a responsibility would be impracticable to enforce. When a private street becomes heavily used, either by developers' vehicles or other traffic, there may well be a case for getting it made up and adopted under the appropriate Private Street Works code. But this is a matter for the local authority in the area.