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Mr. Coleman
asked the Minister of Labour if he will publish in the OFFICIAL REPORT the number of days lost to British industry as a result of industrial disputes and industrial injuries, respectively, for the years 1963, 1964, and 1965.
Mr. Thornton
The number of days recorded as lost through stoppages of work due to industrial disputes in Great Britain in the years 1963, 1964 and 1965 were 1,727,000, 2,243,000 and 2,796,000, respectively. The figure for 1965 is provisional. In the two years ended May, 1963, and May, 1964, injury benefit was paid for 19,850,000 days and 21,780,000 days, respectively, for incapacity relating to industrial accidents and prescribed diseases. The figure for injury benefit for the year ended May, 1965, is not yet available.