asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what action he has taken to obtain from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Eire information on the nature, cause and extent of the salmon disease in certain Irish rivers; and what instructions have been issued to river authorities and others in the United Kingdom for notification of any diseased salmon appearing in British rivers.
My Department has been in close touch with the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for the Republic of Ireland.The disease has appeared sporadically in certain rivers in the south and south-west of Ireland since 1965, but in spite of intensive investigations it has not yet been possible to identify the organism which causes it. In some cases it is difficult to distinguish the disease from the fungus infection which can appear on any damaged fish.The Irish authorities have given instructions that all fish found affected with fungus are to be destroyed, and in addition are greatly strengthening inspection arrangements to ensure that no infected fish are exported.We are arranging for river authorities and other appropriate bodies to be informed of the symptoms of the disease so that any appearance of it in this country will be immediately reported.We shall continue to keep in close touch with the investigations which are still proceeding in Ireland.