asked the Minister of Health when he intends to start the proposed postgraduate hospital development in Chelsea.
The Hospital Building Programme (Cmnd. 3000) envisages a start on building of the Chelsea Postgraduate Medical Centre in the period after 1969–70.
Is the right hon. Gentleman sure that this is the right site for this development? Is he aware that Chelsea is a residential area in the heart of London and that there has been so much loss of residential accommodation in the heart of London that it is important that the Government should not take a lead in reducing it even further?
As I think the hon. Member knows, because he was connected with the Department at the time, the concept of this group of postgraduate teaching hospitals was first announced in June, 1961, and provision was made in the first Hospital Plan produced in January, 1962. As at present advised, I do not see any better site available for the scheme.
asked the Minister A Health whether he will give an undertaking that the proposed postgraduate hospital development in Chelsea will not involve any demolition of housing.
No, Sir.
Is the Minister aware hat this will cause great concern and that, for the reasons which I have already given, there is an absolute urgency that the amount of residential accommodation in Chelsea should not be reduced, and that failure to give this undertaking will, therefore, cause concern in my constituency?
I could not give that undertaking and proceed with the scheme. The first phase of the scheme will involve demolition of 20 houses, but not of course before 1970.