Message From The Queen
Emergency Powers (Proclamation)
Mr. SPEAKER reported Her Majesty's Message, as follows:
Her Majesty, by Proclamation dated 12th December, 1970, having declared that the industrial dispute affecting persons employed in the electricity supply industry did, in Her opinion, constitute a state of emergency within the meaning of the Emergency Powers Act 1920, as amended by the Emergency Powers Act 1964;
And it having appeared to Her Majesty that the state of emergency has now ceased to exist: Her Majesty has deemed it proper, by Proclamation dated 17th December, 1970. to proclaim that the said Proclamation of 12th December is revoked.
That Her Majesty's Most Gracious Message be now considered.—[Mr. Maudling.]
Message considered accordingly.
That an Humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, thanking Her Majesty for Her Most Gracious Message and for Her Most Gracious Message of 14th December.—[Mr. Maudling.]
To be presented by Privy Councillors or Members of Her Majesty's Household.
Order read for consideration of Her Majesty's Message [ 14th December, 1970].
That the said Order be discharged.—[Mr. Speed.]
St Vincent (Gift Of A Parliamentary Library)
That Sir John Rodgers and Mr. William Hamling have leave of absence to present on behalf of this House a Parliamentary Library to the House of Assembly of St. Vincent.—[Mr. Whitelaw.]
Mauritius (Gift Of A Mace)
That Mr. Bernard Braine and Mr. Ernest Perry have leave of absence to present on behalf of this House a Mace to the Legislative Assembly of Mauritius.—[Mr. Whitelaw.]