asked the Secretary of State for Social Services whether he is aware that between June and October 1970 the purchasing value of the Social Welfare benefits fell by some 2·2 per cent., due to the rise in the cost of living; and whether he will give details as to what has happened from October, 1970, until the latest stated date in January, 1971.
Yes. Prices rose by 0·7 per cent. from October, 1970, to November, 1970, the latest date for which figures are available.
asked the Secretary of State for Social Services to what extent all Social Welfare benefits would have to be increased to restore their purchasing value to those in operation on 1st June, 1970; whether he will give consideration to this in his forthcoming review.
On the basis of the movement in prices between June and November, 1970, the latest date for which information is available, benefits would have had to be increased by 2·9 per cent. to restore their purchasing power. Supplementary benefits were increased in November, 1970, by over 8 per cent. The movement of prices is one of the factors which will be taken into account in the forthcoming review.