asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry whether he is aware that many people in the South-West are deeply concerned by the way the South Western Gas Board has treated the representations of the Consultative Council; and whether he will take steps to strengthen the only voice of the consumer to make the consultative process a reality.
The Gas Act, 1948, already enables the Consultative Councils, if dissatisfied with the outcome of representations made to their area boards, to make representations to my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry on any matter coming within their functions.
asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry whether, in view of the strongly held opposition of the South Western Gas Consultative Council to the new gas tariffs, he will seek to establish an inquiry into the justification for so large a percentage increase falling on the domestic consumer rather than the burden being shared more equitably with the non domestic users.
I have not yet received any representations from the South Western Gas Consultative Council arising out of the South Western Gas Board's new gas tariffs. If I do I shall consider them.
asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry whether he will seek to institute an inquiry as to why the South Western Gas Consultative Council was not first informed of the timing of a Press conference to announce revised gas tariffs by the South Western Gas Board; and why they had to discover this fact from television reporters.
No. The arrangements for informing the Consultative Council are a matter for the Board. I am asking the Board Chairman to write to the hon. Member.