asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will now introduce legislation governing pollution levels from motor vehicle exhaust systems.
I have almost completed my review of pollution from motor vehicles. I will be making an announcement in the near future.
I did in fact yesterday have talks with the French Government and did agree with them an immediate exchange of information which should assist further consideration of this topic.Whilst I welcome my right lion. Friend's statement that the legislation will come forward very soon, may we have an assurance from him that he will make it binding on other-than-new vehicles, because other-than-new vehicles are always the worst offenders?
There is a wide range of topics concerning emissions from motor vehicles. We are pushing research as quickly as possible on a filter that could be fitted to all vehicles, but it may not be possible to apply other regulations we might make, such as regulations about the future construction of an engine, to existing vehicles.
While I appreciate further steps to deal with the pollution problem, does not the right hon. Gentleman agree that there are an enormous number of vehicles on the road, particularly heavy lorries, that are infringing the existing regulations? Therefore, will he take steps, possibly with the police authorities, to see that the existing regulations are observed?
Yes, Sir. I should warmly welcome far more enforcement than takes place in a whole range of activities. One is fumes from vehicles, another is noise from vehicles, and another is the dropping of litter.
Mr. Benyon.
Question No. 38.
On a point of order, Mr. Speaker. May I draw your attention to the fact that we have jumped from Question No. 36 to Question No. 38?
Order. The hon. Gentleman's Question, No. 37, was answered with No. 18.