asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will request all London boroughs to survey all land within their areas which can be designated for local authority housing purposes.
Such a survey has already been initiated by the Action Group on London Housing.
asked the Secretary of State for the Environment whether, following his discussions with outer London borough councils, he is now able to publish in the OFFICIAL REPORT the total superficial area of land now to be made available by those councils to the housing stress areas of inner London.
Discussions with London authorities about their housing proposals are a continuous process. The Action Group on London Housing has asked all London authorities to identify potential housing sites in their areas and to indicate when and by whom they might be developed. The results of this survey should help to show the potential for dealing with London's housing problem as a whole.
asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will publish in the OFFICIAL REPORT the results of his conversations with outer London boroughs, particularly Bromley and Redbridge, concerning the provision of available land for building local authority dwellings, to assist the rehousing of four-bedroom need families in Shoreditch.
Discussions with London authorities about their housing proposals are a continuous process. The Action Group on London Housing has asked all London authorities to identify potential housing sites in their areas and to indicate when and by whom they might be developed. The results of this survey should help to show the potential for dealing with London's housing problem as a whole.