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Volume 884: debated on Thursday 23 January 1975

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asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will publish in the Official Report a list of water authorities which have optional levels of natural fluoride in their water, together with a list of area health authorities now receiving between 0·9 and 1·5 ppm natural fluoride in drinking water.

No public water supply sources currently in use in Scotland are known to have a natural fluoride content in the range mentioned. Most supplies have only trace quantities, a normal figure being about 0·1 ppm.

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will publish in the Official Report a list showing area health authorities together with a list of water authorities supplying them with drinking water, indicating which water authorities are fluoridating their supplies.

Three water boards—the Argyll, North of Scotland and South West Scotland Water Boards—at present fluoridate some of their supplies. The

Bank, the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund, and the European Coal and Steel Community.

Information on receipts is not readily available but I would refer the hon. Member to the reply I gave to the hon. Member for Aberdeen, South (Mr. Sproat) on 26th November—[Vol. 882, c. 137–8.]—which lists the sums approved from EEC sources for projects in Scotland. The following items amend and supplement that information:population served are within the areas of the Argyll and Clyde, Highland, Shetland and Dumfries and Galloway Health Boards.