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Equipment (Expenditure)

Volume 884: debated on Thursday 23 January 1975

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asked the Secretary of State for Defence, taking 1968 as 100, what was the share of the defence budget devoted to equipment, including research and development, for the years 1972, 1973 and 1974, respectively; and what are the projected figures for 1975, 1976 and 1977, respectively.

Based on Defence Estimates, and taking the equipment proportion in 1968–69 as 100, the figures for 1972–73, 1973–74 and 1974–75 are 88, 96 and 92 respectively.

As to forward projections, I have nothing to add to the reply I gave my hon. Friend, the Member for Salford, East (Mr. Allaun) on 14th January 1975.—[Vol. 884, c. 177–78.]