asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) if the proposed plans for the use of the Belmont Hospital and the Henderson Hospital have in any way changed since July 1974;(2) whether any Government Department has been offered the Department's land at the Belmont and Henderson Hospital site; and, if so, which Department;(3) what plans he has to offer the land at the Belmont and Henderson Hospital to the London borough of Sutton for housing redevelopment.
The Merton, Sutton and Wandsworth Area Health Authority (Teaching) will shortly be making recommendations to the South West Thames Regional Health Authority on the future of this site. As my hon. Friend explained to the hon. Member during his Adjournment debate on 5th November 1974—[Vol. 880, c. 1032–38]—any land or buildings which are eventually declared surplus to NHS or personal social services requirements wil be offered to other Government Departments and to the London borough of Sutton and the GLC. No such declaration has, however, yet been made.