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Highlands And Islands Development Board

Volume 885: debated on Wednesday 5 February 1975

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asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether the Highlands and Islands Development Board will continue to retain its current powers and area of operation after the creation of a Scottish Development Agency.

I would refer the hon. Member to paragraph 18 of my consultative document on the Scottish Development Agency, a copy of which is available in the Library. This makes it clear that the special responsibilities of the Highlands and Islands Development Board will continue unchanged after the establishment of the agency and that it is the Government's intention to ensure by administrative means that there is no unnecessary or undesirable overlap or duplication of effort between the two bodies.

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what powers the HIDB has to purchase land compulsorily; and how often it has used these powers.

Under Section 4 of the Highlands and Islands Development (Scotland) Act 1965 the Highlands and Islands Development Board may acquire land compulsorily if so authorised by the Secretary of State. These powers have not so far been used.