asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will make a statement on his consultations with the Factory Inspectorate regarding the proposed reorganisation of the inspectorate.
The Chairman of the Health and Safety Commission informs me that meetings were initially held in every Factory Inspectorate division to discuss reorganisation. The planning unit subsequently issued its recommendations. A copy was given to each inspector and a second round of meetings was held to give all inspectors an opportunity for comments, many of which were received and helped to shape the subsequent plans. During the trial schemes a joint working party of the staff associations concerned and members of the Health and Safety Executive met about every three weeks to consider their effectiveness. The working party's report will be widely circulated in the Factory Inspectorate. In addition extensive consultations about the restructuring of the inspectorate have been held with the staff associations concerned.Before further reorganisation, arrangements will be made for joint consultation with representatives of the staff both locally and nationally on the detailed implementation of the plans.
asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will take into account the fact that the Yorkshire and Humberside Factory Inspectorate on 30th January 1975 passed a resolution expressing no confidence in the Health and Safety Executive when undertaking his review of the reorganisation of the inspectorate.
The Chairman of the Health and Safety Commission informs me that account has been taken of all the views expressed by members of the Factory Inspectorate concerning the proposals for its reorganisation. The particular resolution to which my hon. Friend refers has not been referred to the commission or to its executive.
asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he has consulted either trade unions or employers' organisations in West Yorkshire regarding the proposed closure of local offices of the Factory Inspectorate.
The Chairman of the Health and Safety Commission informs me that the exact shape of the Factory Inspectorate's reorganisation has not yet been determined. The reoranisation will, however, be discussed in detail with both sides of local industry to ensure that existing links with the Factory Inspectorate are not only maintained but strengthened.
asked the Secretary of State for Employment what plans he has to close the local offices of the Factory Inspectorate in Bradford, Huddersfield, Halifax and Shipley and transfer all inspectors to Leeds.
The Chairman of the Health and Safety Commission informs me that the proposals for reorganisation are embodied in the Planning Unit Report No. 1 (revised), a copy of which was sent to my hon. Friend last June. The commission is considering the proposals but no firm decision has yet been made.
asked the Secretary of State for Employment what link he has proposed between a pay offer to the Factory Inspectorate and the proposed reorganisation.
The pay offer which has been made to the Institution of Professional Civil Servants, acting on behalf of the inspectorate, is linked with a letter of agreement in which the institution undertakes to co-operate fully with the Health and Safety Executive in making the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 a success, among other things by a reorganisation broadly based on the principles enunciated in the Robens Report and developed by the planning unit and taking account of experience gained in the trial schemes, the recommendations of the joint working party, representations made by the institution and any other relevant factors.