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Health And Safety

Volume 889: debated on Tuesday 25 March 1975

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asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many prohibition notices and how many improvement notices were issued by Her Majesty's inspectors of health and safety during the first two months of 1975; and how many of these were issued in each of the 11 divisions of the Factory Inspectorate.

The Chairman of the Health and Safety Commission has provided the information in the following table:ment and prohibition notices under Sections 21 and 22 of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act.

I am informed by the Chairman of the Health and Safety Commission that the number of inspectors authorised by the Health and Safety Executive to issue improvement and prohibition notices is 1,011. No information is available on the number of inspectors authorised by local authorities.

asked the Secretary of State for Employment if any prohibition and improvement notices have been issued by inspectors who have not been authorised to issue this type of notice; and what were the circumstances which led to this situation.

I am informed by the Chairman of the Health and Safety Commission that he has no knowledge of the issue of prohibition or improvement notices by inspectors who have not been authorised.

asked the Secretary of State for Employment (1) when he anticipates making regulations providing for the appointment of safety representatives under the provisions of Section 2(4) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974;(2) when he anticipates making regulations concerning the establishment of safety committees under Section 2(7) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.

The Health and Safety Commission now has under active consideration proposals for the making of regulations regarding safety representatives and safety committees. I have no doubt that the commission will wish to present its proposals to me at the earliest possible opportunity.