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Milk And The Dairy Herd

Volume 893: debated on Monday 16 June 1975

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asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he has any plans for an interim milk review.

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1), in view of the fact that cow numbers are declining by 4·4 per cent. per annum, a higher rate than previously experienced, if he will take urgent steps designed to halt this decline;(2) in view of the fact that the slaughtering of both cows and calves continues at a higher level than in the last two years, if he will take steps designed to halt the decline of stock;(3) in view of the fact that the level of first AI inseminations for the year 1974–75—April-March—was down 7·2 per cent. on the previous year, if he will take steps designed to halt this decline;(4) in view of the fact that the number of milk producers in 1975 shows a decline of 8·2 per cent. as against the same period of 1974, if he will take steps designed to halt this decline.

Following the publication of the recent White Paper "Food from our own Resources", discussions are taking place with the interests concerned about whether there are specific measures which it would be right and practicable to take in furtherance of the aims set out in that White Paper.

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, in view of the forecast for milk production for 1975–76 to be 60 million gallons down, thus providing less for manufacture and a light supply situation for Christmas 1975, if he will take steps designed to safeguard the consumer.

For the reasons set out in the recent White Paper, a substantial increase in milk production is in the national interest and would enable a higher proportion of consumers' requirements of milk products to be met from our own resources. Discussions are now in progress with the interests concerned, as envisaged in the White Paper. The United Kingdom is self-sufficient so far as milk for liquid consumption is concerned.