asked the Secretary of State for Employment what steps he is taking to encourage industry in the West Midlands to make full use of financial facilities available for retraining from EEC sources; and if he will make a statement.
No financial facilities are available from EEC sources for retraining in the West Midlands. The main EEC instrument for assistance for retraining is the European Social Fund. The effect of the fund's regulations is to concentrate such assistance on development areas. Moreover, the fund will only assist schemes run by private industry where a public authority is making a contribution to the expenditure.
asked the Secretary of State for Employment what grants and loans have been made available to industry in the West Midlands to assist retraining from EEC sources since the date of Great Britain's membership.
The main source of EEC assistance for retraining is the European Social Fund. No grants have been made by the fund for retraining by industry in the West Midlands. The reasons for this are given in my answer to the other Question on this subject put down today by my hon. Friend.