asked the Secretary of State for Defence, since January 1975, how many vehicles have been taken to Long Kesh by the Army for searching; and how many of these were private cars.
Records were not kept prior to 17th February 1975, but since that date a total of 972 vehicles have been searched by the Royal Engineers Search Team at Long Kesh Army Camp. Five of these were private cars.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence whether the Army personnel currently engaged in searching cattle lorries at Long Kesh are briefed on the Northern Ireland Brucellosis Act; what facilities exist at Long Kesh to ensure this Act is not contravened; and what other action the Army takes to comply with this legislation.
There is some doubt as to whether the arrangements in the past for searching cattle lorries at Long Kesh Army Camp have complied in full with the Northern Ireland Brucellosis Act. Arrangements are now being made, in consultation with the Department of Agriculture, to ensure that the search arrangements do comply with the Act.
asked the Secretary of State for Defence, of the vehicles searched at Long Kesh by the Army since January 1975, how many were carrying animals; and how many of these were carrying cows or heifers.
Records were not kept prior to 17th February 1975, but since that date a total of 14 vehicles carrying animals have been searched at Long Kesh Army Camp by the Royal Engineers Search Team. Ten of these were carrying cows or heifers.