asked the Secretary of State for Industry what percentage of professional engineers was employed in manufacturing industry in 1963; and what was the comparable percentage in the most recent available year.
No estimate is available for 1963. Surveys of the members of the engineering institutions have shown that in 1966 43·4 per cent of employed professional engineers were in manufacturing industry; the comparable figure for 1973 was 38·1 per cent. These estimates are given in The 1973 Survey of Professional Engineers, published by the Council of Engineering Institutions.
asked the Secretary of State for Industry what was the percentage change in labour productivity, per head, in manufacturing industry between 1963 and the latest available complete year; and what was the percentage change in the annual value of investment, per head, in manufacturing industry, at constant prices, over the same period.
Between 1963 and 1974 output per head and investment per head in manufacturing industry rose by 47 per cent. and 64 per cent. respectively. These relative rates of growth must be treated with some caution, as 1963 was a trough year and 1974 a peak year for investment.