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Wood-Wool Slabs (Fire Hazard)

Volume 897: debated on Monday 4 August 1975

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asked the Secretary of State for the Environment whether he will take steps to reduce the fire hazard resulting from the use of wood-wool slabs in construction when proper precautions are not taken; in particular whether he will consider recommending that district surveyors should inspect each installation of wood-wool slabs and certify that installation of all necessary precautions have been taken; and whether he will consider the licensing of contractors qualified to install such slabs safely and in default restrict the use of such slabs.

The Fire Research Station is carrying out tests to evaluate fire resistance in structures where wood-wool slabs have been used. As explained in reply to the hon. Member for Melton (Mr. Latham) on 7th July—[Vol. 895. col. 22]—we do not think there is any immediate risk to safety in these buildings but when the results of the Fire Research Station's work are available we shall consider whether any action is needed.