asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will take steps to withdraw planning permission to demolish numbers 11–14 George Square, Edinburgh, until the future of number 10, George Square, has been clarified.
No. my right hon. Friend has already notified the City of Edinburgh District Council that he does not require to be referred to him the Application for the demolition of No. 10 George Square, which the council proposes to grant.
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will consider establishing a committee of all interested organisations to discuss future developments at George Square, Edinburgh, in order to ensure that all aspects are considered before a final decision is taken.
Future developments at George Square and their effect on listed buildings are, as elsewhere in Edinburgh, primarily a matter for the district council, as planning authority. These matters seem capable of resolution through the normal established procedures and I think it right to allow these to proceed.
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many representations he has received concerning the future developments of George Square; and how many of these have contained constructive alternatives to the proposed demolition of numbers 11–14.
Seventeen representations have been received by my right hon. Friend regarding future developments at George Square from various sources, none of which contained constructive alternatives to the proposed demolition of Nos. 11–14.I understand, however, that an alternative plan for the use of the site of Nos. 10–14 George Square has been produced by architectural students and is at present being considered by the district council.