asked the Secretary of State for the Environment whether he will give the terms of reference and membership of each of the three groups of the Environmental Board referred to in the answer given to the hon. Member for Melton by the hon. Member for Widnes (Mr. Oakes) on 2nd February; and what reports or publications have so far been produced by each of those groups.
As my hon. Friend told the hon. Member on 2nd February, the groups were set up to help the Environmental Board in its task of advising me on ways of improving the built environ- ment. The topics they were asked to study were possible ways of improving the quality of the environment in new, greenfield development, and in existing built-up areas, and the scope for greater public awareness of issues affecting the built environment. In the light of the Environmental Board's advice on their findings I shall consider whether there are matters on which published reports would be useful.The participants in the groups during the past months, all of whom are serving in a personal capacity, have been as follows:1.
Group on new development
- *Sir Hugh Wilson (Chairman).
- *Mr. T. Bendixson.
- *Mr. W. D. Lacey.
- Mr. J. E. Finney.
- Mr E. Jenkins.
- Mr D. Lovejoy.
- Mr. R. W. A. Mortimer.
- Mr. W. G. Reed.
- Mr. O. Willmore.
2. Group on older areas
- *Mr. A. A. Wood (Chairman).
- *Mr. F. J. C. Amos.
- *Mr. F. Lloyd Roche.
- Mr. A. L. Strachan.
- Mr. D. Crabtree.
- Mr. G. Darke.
- Mr. W. L. Hyde.
3. Group of environmental education
- *Professor P. Hall (Chairman).
- *Mr. A. Goldstein.
- *Mr. J. R. Warren Evans.
- Mr. A. M. Aldous.
- Mr. P. A. W. Deeley.
- Mr. C. Jameson.
- Mr. C. Mapleston.
- Mr. K. Pegg.
- Mrs. M. Richardson.
- Mr. R. L. Tilley.
- Mr. C. Ward.
- Mr. T. Williams.
* Member of the Environmental Board.