asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many social surveys have been commissioned by the Equal Opportunities Commission; what the surveys were about; who conducted them; and what has been their cost.
I understand that the EOC has commissioned two surveys, both through the Central Office of Information. The first was a quantitative survey to test the effectiveness of its initial publicity campaign in increasing awareness of the Sex Discrimination Act and of the Commission. Field work was conducted by NOP (Market Research) Ltd. and the cost was £2,636. The second was a qualitative survey of opinions and understanding of the Act and the rôle of the Commission among those in the employment and education fields particularly affected by the Act. Field work was conducted by Public Attitude Surveys Ltd. and the cost was £12,217.
asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many non-discrimination notices have been issued by the Equal Opportunities Commission under the Sex Discrimination Act; and if he will publish details in the Official Report.