asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what measures he has taken to increase the cull of red deer.
The Red Deer Commission has the general function of furthering the conservation and control of red deer and of advising my right hon. Friend on any matter relating to red deer. The Commission, by writing to estate owners and by Press and radio publicity, has drawn attention to the need for increased culling. It is also in close touch with the Forestry Commission which takes active steps to control the numbers of deer on Forestry Commission land. Killing of deer is also undertaken by the Red Deer Commission on receipt of reports of damage.
asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what estimate he has made of the likelihood of serious damage by red deer to agriculture and forestry if there is severe weather this winter.
My right hon. Friend is advised by the Red Deer Commission on matters relating to red deer. The Commission has given its view that, in the event of severe weather this winter, the natural mortality of deer would be high and that the statutory rights of occupiers of agricultural land and enclosed woodlands to take or kill deer on their land, together with the Commission's own powers, would be adequate to prevent serious damage in the face of increased marauding.