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Clothing Federation (Anti-Dumping Application)

Volume 927: debated on Wednesday 2 March 1977

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asked the Secretary of State for Trade (1) what further action has been taken concerning the investigation into the anti-dumping application submitted by the Clothing Federation;

(2) why there has been a delay from the application of the Clothing Federation for an anti-dumping duty on 11th March 1976 and the announcement that investigations would take place on 27th September; why no further statement has been made; and if he will make a statement.

The investigation into allegations of dumping of suits from Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Poland and Romania has now been completed. My Department has found a measure of dumping, with material injury to the United Kingdom industry. Negotiations with the supplying countries have resulted in undertakings being received that prices will be increased by appropriate amounts where increases had not already been planned. I am, therefore, closing the case. Prices will, of course, be reviewed from time to time.With the agreement of the industry, I am not proceeding with that part of the application which covered boys' suits as quantities are relatively small, but this can readily be looked at again in future as a separate issue if it is later considered by the industry that there is a major threat.This has been an unusually complex anti-dumping case requiring analysis of a wide range of garments in different styles and materials. This has inevitably been a time-consuming task. In spite of the difficulties, the case has been brought to a successful conclusion with the co-operation of the exporting countries. I hope that there will be general recognition of our determination to take firm action against dumped imports wherever it is justified.