asked the Secretary of State for Industry whether he is now in a position to make a statement under Section 21(3) of the Industry Act 1975.
No, but I hope to do so shortly.
asked the Secretary of State for Industry of the assistance granted to industry under Sections 7 and 8 of the Industry Act 1972 as amended by the Industry Act 1975, if he will give the total value granted on the basis of the planning agreement negotiated under Section 21 of the 1975 Act.
No 1972 Industry Act financial assistance is currently covered by the provision of Section 21 of the 1975 Industry Act.
asked the Secretary of State for Industry if he now proposes to implement planning agreements; and whether he proposes to introduce further legislation.
Planning agreements remain a central feature of the Government's industrial policy. Legislative proposals are not at present under consideration.
asked the Secretary of State for Industry if he will list the companies which have so far concluded planning agreements.
No company has so far signed a planning agreement.