Local Government (Scotland)
The VICE-CHAMBERLAIN OF THE HOUSEHOLD reported to the House That their Address of 25th February relating to Local Government (Scotland) had been presented to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother and Her Royal Highness the Princess Anne, Mrs. Mark Phillips; and that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother and Her Royal Highness the Princess Anne, Mrs. Mark Phillips, had been pleased to receive the same very graciously and to give the following Answer:
We, Counsellors of State, to whom have been delegated certain Royal Functions as specified in Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Realm dated 3rd February 1977 have received your Address praying that the Lothian and Strathclyde Regions (Greenrigg and West Graigs) Boundaries Order 1977 (S.1., 1977, No. 107 dated 5th January 1977, be annulled.
On Her Majesty's behalf we will comply with your request.
Leicester Prison (Security)
Return ordered,
Address for Return of the Report of an Inquiry by the Chief Inspector of the Prison Service into Security at Her Majesty's Prison Leicester, and the arrangements for conducting prisoners to Courts. (Escape of William Thomas Hughes on 12th January 1977.)— [ Dr. Summerskill]