asked the Secretary of State for Trade if he will list those hoteliers who attended his meeting at his Department on 14th March; what topics were discussed; what specific proposals were put to him; and if he will make a statement on the meeting.
I will reply to the hon. Member as soon as possible.
out on the Hyundai Pony; what stage has been reached; and when a decision will be made to approve the car so that it can be sold in the United Kingdom.
The tests being being carried out on the Hyundai Pony are listed below. These are only component and system approvals. Testing should be completed by mid-April 1977. After satisfactory completion of testing it will be necessary for Hyundai to apply for whole vehicle approval under Minister's approval certificate procedures. This will entail whole vehicle inspection and will not take place until completion of the individual approvals. No application for whole vehicle approval has yet been received.