asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what decision was taken on 19th January 1977 by the Northern Health and Social Services Board on the Strategic Planning Team report about the siting of a new acute hospital in the area.
At its meeting on that date the board resumed consideration of the Report on the Development of Hospital Services in the Northern Area. It voted on a number of issues, including the siting of four or five acute hospitals, but did not reach final conclusions on this matter or on the report as a whole.
asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will publish the letter sent to the members of the Northern Health and Social Services Board by Dr. Dugdale, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Social Services, after the January meeting of the Board; and whether this letter was sent on his instructions.
No such letter was issued.
asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what decision was taken on 9th March 1977 by the Northern Health and Social Service Board on the Strategic Planning Team report; and if he will institute an immediate inquiry into the pressure put on members of the Board to reverse their previous decision.
The board concluded, in the words of its statement issued after the meeting of 9th March 1977,
This conclusion has now been communicated to the Government, with whom the final decision rests. No pressure was put on members of the board, and my noble Friend has no intention of instituting any inquiry into this matter. The board's final conclusions were reached of its own volition after full and mature deliberation extending over several meetings."that in the best interests of the people of the whole of the Area of the Northern Board it should endorse, in principle, the recommendations set out in the Report".